ON YOUR FACE     ︎   


2022- ‘Queer Reflections’, The Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea. 
2022- Changemakers, vision creators, shifting perspectives. OYF first event/ exhibition, The Nurture Centre, Carmarthen.
2021- Summer camp, CULTVR, Cardiff.
2021- Queer exhibition, Cardiff Umbrella, Cardiff.
2021- Can we start again?.  UWTSD Swansea College of Art
2020- Because we felt like it. UWTSD Swansea College of Art. 
2019- ‘It’s easier to step on me if you dehumanize me and give me names’. Public performance. Plymouth Street. Swansea, United kingdom 2019- Public performance. UWTSD Swansea College of Art. Open Swansea 2019- ‘Swansea Open 2019’. Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
2019- ‘What a world’ UWTSD Swansea College of Art. Open Swansea
2018- ‘Subtitles please’ UWTSD Swansea College of Art.
2012- Tecnofilia (Photography exhibition)-Espai Cibernarium (MediaTIC).
2012- Fisonomies (Photography exhibition)-Renoir Floridablanca cinema. 2012- I Festival Miradas de mujeres. Madrid, Spain


2012- Julius Festival. Barcelona, Spain. I designed the magazine and the manual which appeared in “Manual de amor” (short film), winner of the Julius Festival.

2012- Sitges Film Festival. Barcelona, Spain. Lighting in the short film “Piedra, papel y madera” which was showed in Sitges Film Festival.
2012- Madrid, Spain Finalist - II Concurso de fotografía Mujeres con focus


Founder and director of On your face collective, 2021

2022- Speaker on ‘Taking Space and changing the Industry’ A c onversation with LGBTQ+ artists and entrepreneurs of Wales whose research, passion and direct action plays on representation and reclaiming spaces. (Talk/ panel). Glynn Vivian Galery, online talk.
2022-  Speaker on a Talk/ panel with Claudia Rubio Sasaki and artist Fox Irving. Conversations on queering the Glynn Vivian. Glynn Vivian Galery, online talk.
2022- Changemakers, vision creators, shifting perspectives. OYF first event/ exhibition. Curator and organizer.
2022- Speaker on a Talk/ panel with artist Fox Irving. Introduction to OYF/ project queering the Glynn Vivian. Glynn Vivian Galery, online talk.
2021- Talk on the activist week. Introduction to OYF collective.  UWTSD Swansea College of Art.
2020- Because we felt like it. Exhibition at UWTSD Swansea College of Art. Co-curator


2021. Patriarchaeth. Interview and work showcased.
2023. Spacecraft. Interview


2021- Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art: Studio, site, and context with First Class Honours. UWTSD, Swansea, Wales, UK.
2012- CFGS Image (Photography, cinema and sound), HNC. EMAV, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain.
2009- CFGM  Pre-printing, Design and Photography. NVQ. IES Joan Oró, Lleida, Catalunya, Spain.

2021 by Àfrica Ollé